Hey world!!! You're going to the wrong direction.
What the hell is going on?
This is what you hear and/or read every day.
- UAE activist jailed for courtroom tweet. Seriously? For twitting what's been happening in his father's court? Lucky their governors for having that much oil and US alliance.
- Hamas going the same direction as Iran. It forces haircut and clothes style.
- Internet Censorship in Tunisia after the revolution. It's not the only thing; the Islamic government is moving toward a direction that people in the country criticize them by trying to shout that they are becoming another Iran after the revolution in 1978. Even the very simple activities like drinking or getting alcoholic beverages is becoming harder and harder, and more expensive. More pressure is being put on non-religious people, specially women.
- In Egypt, fresh clashes between different groups, Muslims, Christians, army, seculars, etc., it's just increasing violence entropy being observed in that country.
- North Korea vs. South Korea and US and their stupid atomic bomb and missile tests. China vs. Japan on those ridiculous islands. That part of the world the last thing needs is another war.
- Clashes in Africa that often have a group of extremists on one side; and it's sadly starving people.
- Iran with it's insane government. So unfortunate for it's people that they're living in such a strategic place of the world.
- Russia with it's re-presidential of Putin; that even Merkel just mentioned human rights problems in the country.
I'm really exhausted of this never ending list.
These days my brain is heavily busy with "Is humankind in a better situation now, compared to other era in history?" and it just can't convince me for a positive answer to the question. If the question is whether we've had a positive effect as an specie on earth, I don't think so. I'm definitely not saying that I'm in favor of a genocide on humans, I'm just angry how we made our existence pointless.